

Cushe全球旅人系列的代言人 我們要請到英國滑雪好手  Becky Hammond, Becky是現今全歐洲最好的自由滑雪選手之ㄧ, 最近她才剛參加完在日本舉辦的世界冠軍賽, 在世界滑雪賽事中, Becky是相當具威脅的對手,她是英國第一位擠進世界排名的滑雪選手
Moving up to the middle section of the sitting boy and representing our Universal Traveller section is our acclaimed free skier, Becky Hammond, who is arguably one of the best freestyle skiers in Europe right now and very quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with on the world scene too, having just competed in the World Championships in Japan, the first Brit ever to make the grade and to gain a world top ten ranking.

    Becky's success on the world scene is a great achievement personally for her, but also for British snowsports in general, raising the profile and putting GB firmly in contention for the future. We're absolutely stoked that Becky remains on board and like Simon, she's well and truly living a Cushe™ life, halfway up a mountain for most of the year. A perfect advocate for Cushe™, a phenomenal sports woman and an all round great person.

