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        英國知名音樂製作人兼DJ的Bonobo,是個全方位型的音樂人, 你可以在各類型的活動及各大國際型音樂節發現他的身影, 我們很榮幸邀請到他成為 Cushe的代言人, 他的加入另Cushe的產品注入許多音樂元素, 讓Cushe和音樂激盪出不ㄧ樣的火花: Cushe的形象影片的主題音樂"Recurring" 就是由Bonobo全創作的,它同時也被當紅歐美影集"Gossip Gril"收入為其中的音樂插曲。

Commencing at the foot of the sitting boy and providing the foundations of the brand, we position our Urban Safari range that draws it's inspiration, not surprisingly, from the urban environment. Fixing its roots firmly in the music and arts scene, the Urban Safari range is probably the hardest area to put a fiurehead in place, considering the broad range of urban trends and fashion groups. With that in mind though, we're pretty confident that we've managed to secure the talents of a vastly cross ranging and infinitely talented individual, someone who ticks all the boxes for cool, forward thinking, groundbreaking, inspirational, totally chilled out and above all that, a jolly decent fella. Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to introduce you to Bonobo (AKA Simon Green). An East London resident, DJ, recording artist, producer, and all round soundsmith, Simon is a prolific music man, selling out venues and headlining festivals worldwide, whole heartedly living a Cushe™ Life, doing what he loves, when and where he chooses, and doing it his way. Bringing him on board is a real coup for Cushe™ and a testament to the product we design and ethos that we stand for. Welcome to the fold Simon, here's to a Cushe™ future together.


Cushe全球旅人系列的代言人 我們要請到英國滑雪好手  Becky Hammond, Becky是現今全歐洲最好的自由滑雪選手之ㄧ, 最近她才剛參加完在日本舉辦的世界冠軍賽, 在世界滑雪賽事中, Becky是相當具威脅的對手,她是英國第一位擠進世界排名的滑雪選手
Moving up to the middle section of the sitting boy and representing our Universal Traveller section is our acclaimed free skier, Becky Hammond, who is arguably one of the best freestyle skiers in Europe right now and very quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with on the world scene too, having just competed in the World Championships in Japan, the first Brit ever to make the grade and to gain a world top ten ranking.

    Becky's success on the world scene is a great achievement personally for her, but also for British snowsports in general, raising the profile and putting GB firmly in contention for the future. We're absolutely stoked that Becky remains on board and like Simon, she's well and truly living a Cushe™ life, halfway up a mountain for most of the year. A perfect advocate for Cushe™, a phenomenal sports woman and an all round great person.

Mitch Corbett

         Finally moving up to the head section of the sitting boy, Coastal Supremacy and what better way to demonstrate this range than to have on board one of the UK's finest surfers, Mr Mitch Corbett. Mitch has
been with us now for a couple of seasons, so he's totally 『au fait' with the Cushe™ brand and has been influential in the development of our new Manukarange.

         Mitch is a surfer's surfer, a real purist, passionately committed to his sport, living a simple, no frills life with a window facing the sea, (checking the surf forecast has never been much of a problem for Mitch). Driven by his competitive ambitions, his daily quest is simply to find the best breaks and ride the best waves, doing what he does best. Not surprisingly, he's also one of the most chilled out characters we know and he knows how to enjoy life his way. Mitch perfectly encapsulates our aspirational Coastal Supremacy range and we are very proud to say he's one of ours.


About Cushe

About Cushe

英國設計品牌>創意零界限, 細節就是態度

Cushe由英國一群愛搞怪的設計師所創立,大膽挑戰傳統休閒鞋設計,講究每道細節都有創意, 從大底, 鞋墊、車縫線、鞋舌到鞋面,顏色、圖案及材質都會隨款式而變化,尤其擅長多種材質拼接手法,營造豐富的設計感!

提倡」鞋子不只是鞋子」概念,而是創造一雙具有生活態度的鞋款,走出舒適保持輕鬆愉快,創意點子無所不有, 圖案不只是圖案,而是一串串的故事! 從音樂唱盤、版畫藝術、自然草地、繽紛花卉到幾何圖形等設計元素 ,期望營造趣味性,呈現自由奔放的風格 !

Cushe 遍及全球22個國家,主打系列包括有以海灘冒險為主的拖涼系列、滿足戶外探險及活動的全球旅者係列、以及設計獨特適合休旅的城市探索系列。在英國深受許多音樂工作者與極限運動者的喜好,例如英國知名音樂製作人兼DJ的Bonobo (Simon Green) , 花式滑雪好手Becky Hammond, 英國衝浪冠軍Mitch Corbett等,都是Cushe的忠實愛用者,對於生活講求玩細節、穿自己!







◆   特殊流暢造型+異材質拼貼,適合時尚有個性的你!
◆   新快乾材質讓鞋面迅速恢復乾爽,適合水上活動。
◆   柔軟六角形底紋設計,讓雙足服貼鞋床。
◆   輕量大底+特殊弧度設計,行走更省力舒適。
◆   多元顏色,新潮亮眼,絕對是穿去海灘的首選!